Map and Zap® is an AI-driven weed identification tool, mapping and laser-zapping early growth-stage weeds, reducing the need for chemical herbicides. 

The market

Weeds pose a significant challenge for agriculture. They are estimated to cost New Zealand agriculture and forestry at least NZD $1.7 billion, Australia agriculture AUD $3.3 billion and US agriculture USD $33 billion per annum. 

The global herbicide market was valued at US $40 billion in 2023. AgResearch has estimated a market of $6.4 billion per annum in selected farming segments and countries. This includes focusing on horticulture, oilseed and rice markets. In addition to addressing problems in New Zealand, we are also looking into solutions for the US, Australia and South-East Asia. 

Map and Zap in action

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A sustainable alternative

Challenges for farming include herbicide resistance, labour supply constraints, high weed control costs and significant yield impacts. Consumers are demanding a sustainable alternative to herbicides.

Map and Zap® offers 'early detect, early kill' capability and agile deployment options, including integration of the equipment onto farm tractors and smaller robotic vehicles.

Partner with us

Map and Zap® is:

  • User-friendly
  • Adaptable
  • Cost-effective

Our innovation uses cutting-edge technology and can provide solutions for growers in a range of industries including pastoral agriculture, horticulture and viticulture.

We are seeking investment to speed up production and super-charge performance. Our aim is to get Map and Zap® into the hands of growers sooner.

Map and Zap® technology counters herbicide resistance, with no chemical residues, soil disturbance, carbon, or microbiome impact. The solution meets increasing consumer demand for natural products whilst enhancing productivity through technology and reducing labour costs on-farm.  

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Send an email to one of our team or check out our facilities located across Aotearoa New Zealand.

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