We are a joint venture between industry and the science community to co-ordinate Johne’s Disease research in New Zealand.

About JDRC

The Johne's Disease Research Consortium (JDRC) research programme ran between 2008 and 2016 and focused on issues “behind the farm gate” with the goal to develop practical and cost-effective tools which could be used to reduce the prevalence of Johne’s disease in herds or flocks in New Zealand.

That goal was largely achieved with guidelines for the control of Johne’s disease developed for deer, sheepdairy cattlebeef cattle and dairy replacements

Johne's Advisory Group

JDRC is survived by the Johne’s Advisory Group (JAG) – an advisory body for industry to facilitate information and technology transfer and provide ongoing collaboration and co-ordination across the sectors for the control and management of Johne’s disease in New Zealand. JAG is supported by Beef+Lamb NZ, DairyNZ and Deer Industry New Zealand.

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