AgResearch is a strategy-led organisation. We aim to define success through more than just a financial lens and have developed strategies to guide us in how we approach our science.

Tā Mātou Rautaki: Our strategy

We achieved a major milestone towards becoming a strategy-led organisation when our Board signed off on a new organisation-wide strategy, Tā Mātou Rautaki, in late 2021. 

Tā Mātou Rautaki is our plan to achieve our long-term aim of leading agri-based science innovation. It describes who we are, how we deliver our science, what our future-focused research will look like, and how we will know we are succeeding in our mission.

We have identified four areas of focus to create a thriving culture and generate meaningful and enduring impact. They are interlinked, with success in one being tied to another.

They are:

  • Science Excellence: strengthening connection with science vitality and science excellence
  • Partnerships: Fostering strong collaboration, incuding partnerships
  • Mātauranga Māori: Fully embedding te ao Māori within our ways of thinking and working
  • Smart Investments: Ensuring that we invest appropriately in a talented workforce, fit-for-purpose infrastructure, resources and processes.


Our full strategy is available for download below.

Tā Mātou Rautaki: Our strategy

Download (pdf 2 MB)

Te Ara Tika: The right way

Our plan to transform as an organisation through te ao Māori is underway with our Te Ara Tika strategy. It directly addresses the barriers Māori people and organisations experience working with a traditional science organisation such as AgResearch.

A key driver of the strategy is to bring a unique Māori approach to our science, and create meaningful impact for Māori by:

  • Embracing mātauranga Māori as an equal knowledge system
  • Being impact focused and delivering to Māori land, businesses and communities
  • Honouring the Treaty relationship our partners have with the Crown
  • Co-leading, co-designing and implementing to build the capabilities of our partners and ourselves
  • Aligning our values to the values of our partners.

Te Mahere Matahiko: The digital blueprint

The New Zealand research sector, having identified the potential of new technologies and large data sets, has embraced new tools and ways of working to improve the impact of research. Te Mahere Matahiko is our digital blueprint, designed to ensure we are using these opportunties.

The blueprint is intended to:

  • Put our people and science at the heart of the design
  • Support our refreshed strategy direction
  • Take a modern approach to systems architecture
  • Ensure that AgResearch continues to meet its obligations for cyber security and compliance.

It aims to create a digital culture founded on manaakitanga and kotahitanga. It focuses on facilitating and supporting digital tools that are accessible and welcoming of all, and celebrates our rangapū mahitahi.

We will strive to keep pace with science and technology that allows us to act quickly on new innovations and inventions. We will use our digital tools to facilitate transparent, respectful and supportive change as we transition to new structures, new ways of working and digital transformation.

Te Mahere Matahiko: The digital blueprint

Download (pdf 2.8 MB)

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