INNERVISION offers commercial CT scanning services for breeding stock evaluation, research programmes and veterinary diagnostic purposes.

Who we are

INNERVISION operates a CT (computed tomography) scanner for use specifically on animals and for other ‘non-human’ applications. CT scanners use X-rays to produce cross-sectional images through a body and to accurately measure the weights, volumes and densities of muscle, fat and bone without having to slaughter the animal and dissect the carcass.

What we do

INNERVISION has a number of different skills and capabilities that traverse the following:

  • Evaluations of high value breeding animals for meat production, where stud rams and stags are evaluated for the weight of meat and fat in various regions of the carcass. Our INNERVALUE service measures the weights of muscle and fat in the hindleg, loin and shoulder primal cuts which are closely related to new carcass grading systems. When used in combination with ultrasound scanning, CT scanning can almost double the rate of genetic progress compared to using ultrasound alone.
  • Body composition measurement for research programmes, taking CT images throughout the body allows the actual weight of meat and fat, or the size of individual muscles or organs, to be measured in a live animal. These measurements are as accurate as slaughtering the animal and dissecting the carcass into muscle and fat, and the animal is still alive after scanning.
  • Veterinary diagnostic scanning. Small animals (cats and dogs) can be CT scanned to give a better diagnosis of a range of conditions. This type of work is done in co-operation with veterinarians.
  • Other areas where CT scanning can detect anomalies and morphology include industrial non-destructive testing, soil and sand samples, and timber samples.


AgResearch and Focus Genetics together operate a CT scanner for livestock in a joint venture called INNERVISION, based at AgResearch's Invermay campus near Dunedin. The scans provide valuable insights into the body composition of sheep and deer for breeders, and information for researchers working in areas such as genetics. Machine learning has bolstered the capabilities of the scanner, with reading of scans now able to happen much faster than by the human eye.


The INNERVISION CT scanner we operate with Focus Genetics is typically used for scanning sheep and deer for meat quality and improving genetics; but recently we've had some precious patients in the form of Kākāpō, as part of a joint effort with the Dunedin Wildlife Hospital and the Department of Conservation to support this critically endangered taonga.

Working with us

INNERVISION has a highly skilled team, who are experienced in animal handling, image collection and image analysis. We work in partnership with Sheep Improvement Limited to deliver breeding values for the CT measurements we collect.

INNERVISION is a joint venture between AgResearch and Focus Genetics and is located at AgResearch’s Invermay Campus near Mosgiel.

Please contact us for further information.

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